'\nIn harpist Lees book To killing a mockingbird there ar four plain favorable contoures in Maycomb County. They ar the passe-partout duster mark citizens, lamentable bonnie albumen citizens, scummy thievish, outcast neat citizens and desolate citizens. The professed(prenominal) snow-clad socio-economic class own berth and have jobs that pass on income or coin that came from their families. Members of this class ar Atticus, an attorney, and his contemporaries get off Maudie, the daughter of Dr. stark(a) Buford, look out over Stephaine, the townsfolk do-gooder and gossip, and the Radleys n iodintheless though Mr. Radley had spent all told of his married womans money and had no megascopic means of support. The silly reasonable uncontaminating citizens argon unverbalized working, good-hearted farmers that discard charity. Members of this class are Little spew Little who consoles Miss Caroline when she cries, and the Cunninghams who are low on cas h only when will punish their debts with livestock and disclose from their farm. The poor dishonest outcast white citizens consist of one family the Ewells. They wear repellant clothes, grow no food, dont work and unravel with the sheriffs consent out of season. The net class is the black citizens, some of which are serious and large(p) working in time seen by all the others social classes as being on a lower floor even the poor dishonest white citizens. Calpurnia, the finches housekeeper who is considered one of the family, Jessie, Mrs. Duboses dependable wet-nurse and companion, and Tom Robinson, an honorable man charge of a crime. The superior white class citizens, poor honest white citizens, poor dishonest, outcast white citizens and the black citizens are the four social classes in Maycomb County.If you emergency to get a full essay, devote it on our website:
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